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Do you know why you have tooth sensitivity? We help you to solve it

When you eat hot or cold foods, do you feel a strong pain in your teeth? In this case, you should see your dentist. Keep in mind that tooth sensitivity, in general, is not an aspect that we must necessarily endure. Moreover, there are many options to treat it, so the possibility of increasing your well-being is in your hands

Dental sensitivity is discomfort or pain in the teeth caused by their contact with certain types of substances or, alternatively, by their temperature. Seven out of ten people suffer from dental hypersensitivity to a greater or lesser extent, making it a fairly common problem among the population that, in many cases, goes untreated.

Given the case, countless products have emerged that promise to improve our wellbeing, which we can easily find in supermarkets or department stores. However, we must bear in mind that some of them can have a negative impact on other aspects of oral health, so you should always discuss the possibility of using them with your dentist.

What is tooth sensitivity?

In healthy teeth and gums, enamel and cementum respectively protect dentin, an inner layer containing microscopic tubules. If the dentin loses the protection of the enamel or cementum, these tubules allow heat and cold, or even acidic or sticky foods, to reach the nerves inside the tooth, generating discomfort and/or pain.

There are many reasons that can generate dental sensitivity and, therefore, there are also several possible treatments to solve it. In fact, among the most common causes are caries, fractured or cracked teeth, wear of a filling or of the enamel itself and, in a more complex field, gum disease (gingivitis) or gum recession (periodontitis).

How can you solve it?

Possible solutions include anti-sensitivity toothpastes, fluoride gel and fillings or inlays. When we talk about gum recession, grafting could be a good alternative. On the other hand, caries can be corrected by fillings or, when the infection has spread to a considerable level, by root canal treatment of the tooth. It should be borne in mind, however, that it is not always possible to root canalize a tooth, so in certain cases of untreated caries, the only solution will be its extraction.

It is likely that given the situation mentioned above, dental sensitivity is the least of the problems. The pain produced by caries in its final stage is constant, regardless of whether food or liquids are kept in the mouth at high or low temperatures. Therefore, in the following points of the post, we will focus on those cases in which the teeth and gums produce sensitivity, despite being healthy and in perfect condition.

Why do I have sensitivity now, if I have never had it?

This is a complex question that, in order to be able to answer it, you must first undergo an oral examination. However, there are certain behavioral patterns that the population usually considers "harmless" and that, far from reality, have a great influence on the appearance of dental sensitivity.

  • The first key point is brushing. In the market we can find soft, medium and hard brushes. If we opt for a hard brush, and our brushing style is very aggressive, what we are really doing is abrading our enamel and the gums that hold the dental neck. Thus, over time, we will wear down the surface, making the dentin more exposed and generating micro-cracks in both the teeth and the gums. Always choose a soft brush and review your brushing technique, our team of dental hygienists will be able to instruct you in this matter.

  • Dental erosion. Acidic juices and soft drinks, such as orange or lemon juice, cola, vinegar, acidic foods such as citrus marmalade, certain types of yogurt, wines, infusions such as tea... all of these will not do you any good in terms of tooth sensitivity. The same happens when we suffer from some kind of stomach or food disease, which makes us vomit. Remember that stomach acid is very strong, so abrasion will occur if it is in your mouth on a recurring basis. The same happens with reflux.

  • Chlorine also influences the appearance of dental sensitivity. That is why, if you are a swimmer, you are likely to feel sensitivity at some point, since water will unconsciously enter your mouth and, day after day, this was undermining the protective capacity of the enamel.

  • If you have recently had your teeth cleaned or whitened, it is likely that you will feel this sensitivity in the days following the treatment. It usually goes away in a few days. If this is not the case, consult your dentist to see how we can solve it.

  • Of course this list could not miss bruxism, which affects the crown and the dental neck. People who grind their teeth when they sleep, either because of stress or other issues, wear down their teeth. In this case it will be necessary to carry out reconstruction techniques and use a bruxist splint every night.

For some people, dental hypersensitivity can be tolerable, while for others it can become a serious problem that affects their quality of life. For some patients it can cause constant mood swings and alter their lifestyle, limiting them from attending certain gatherings with family or friends and, of course, preventing them from enjoying some of the foods they used to love. That is why it is very important to treat the problem in time, which will prevent it from getting worse. Consult with your specialist so that he/she can make a good diagnosis. The key is to see at what point we are and what is the cause that has produced it.

What can I do to avoid sensitivity?

First of all, reduce acidic and carbonated beverages or foods as much as possible. If you consume them occasionally, accompany them with other foods to regulate the pH of your mouth. Also, following the same principle, avoid brushing your teeth right after brushing them. Wait at least 20 minutes.

Always consult your dentist about the best toothpaste and toothbrush for your particular case, since not all people are the same and you may need a specific toothpaste that will help you have better oral health in other aspects.

Keep in mind that toothpastes for sensitivity do not solve the problem, they are only a temporary patch to alleviate the symptoms while the real cause is remedied. Ask your dentist which one is best for you and do not use them if you do not have sensitivity. It is better to opt for a toothpaste that really works against caries, for example.



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