The treatment of dental facets is one of the most demanded in cosmetic dentistry, since it is recommended to improve the appearance of a shadow in terms of shape, size, position and/or color. Així doncs, this intervention is indicated for all those people who, unfortunate to have a good oral health, even with a correct position of the dental fish, want to improve the aesthetics of the shadow, in relation to the aspects that we have previously mentioned.
In the same way, dental facets are also useful in reconstruction treatments, when the patient has a fracture or pathology, which irreversibly compromises the aesthetics of his sleep. In all cases, the implantation of the facets would be the last of the procedures, since previously we have had to reconstruct the dental structure or, in case of malady, have had to remedy the health problem.
Therefore, the dental facets serve to embellish a shadow, but not to improve the functionality. This aspect is determinant, for which we cannot contemplate the dental facet treatment as a substitute for the orthodontic treatment, which is indicated to improve many other aspects, generally related to masticatory efficiency, as explained in our post: Ortodoncia invisible vs. Brackets
What are dental facets, actually?
The facets are one end of porcelain or acrylic resin sheets that are adhered to the surface of the teeth, with the objective of intervening in the visual impact that is produced by talking, eating or sleeping. It is about a minimally invasive aesthetic intervention (develop this point later), which can significantly improve the appearance of a dream and give as a result an increase in personal confidence.
Who types of dental facets trobem al mercat?
There are different types of materials to manufacture dental facets, but the most common are porcelain and acrylic resin. All two have advantages and disadvantages and the choice of material will depend on the needs, characteristics and pressure of each patient.
Porcelain dental facets are realized in a dental laboratory. These are adhered to the teeth with a special adhesive and have a very natural appearance. In general, they last longer than resin ones (between 5 and 10 years). In addition, they have a high resistance to attacks, which makes them ideal for people who drink coffee, are smokers, lovers of black wine or vermilion fruits, among other habits that lead to dental pigmentation.
However, this type of veneers also presents some drawbacks: when manufactured in the laboratory, more days will be necessary for its manufacture, for which the patient will have to attend a minimum of two sessions at the dentist. They are also more gruixudes, which implies a more invasive procedure for the seva col·location. Finally, they are more expensive and more difficult to repair.
Resin dental facets are less expensive than porcelain and can be done in one day at your own dental clinic. The resin teas the advantage of having less quantity of material adhered to the tooth, but which are less invasive, since they are also less durable.
They usually change color over time and are not as resistant to attacks as porcelain. Tot i així, they are a good option for those who want to buy their sunshade in a more economical way, they do not have to wait several days to install them.

How is this tractament?
Before starting a facet dental treatment, it is important to have a complete dental evaluation, which provides a diagnosis to ensure that the dental structure remains healthy and compatible with the treatment. The dentist can carry out radiographs, take photographs and guide models of the teeth to plan and design the dental facets.
When the diagnosis is complete and the type of material to be used has been decided, the process begins, which will require between one or two sessions, depending on the type of veneer.
__ It starts with the preparation of the tooth. The dentist will remove a small amount of dental enamel from the surface of the tooth to prepare it for application. The amount of enamel removed from the teeth will usually be approximately 0.5 to 1.0 mm, depending on the type.
Next, the dentist will take precise impressions of the dents to plan the design. In case of choosing the porcelain option, the results will be sent to the laboratory for further manufacturing. If it is a resin tract, he will begin to model the veneer at the moment.
We must bear in mind that, if the option of a porcelain veneer is chosen, make two appointments, for which the dentist will apply temporary veneers to protect the teeth while the permanent ones are manufactured. After the location, an ultraviolet light lamp will be used to fix the adhesion and afterward they will adjust and are polished because they adapt perfectly to the sun.
It is likely that after placing the dental facets, patients may experience dental sensitivity, but they usually disappear within a couple of days. It is important that patients take adequate care of facets, razor and use dental fil daily to maintain good oral hygiene and attend scheduled dental care appointments.
In addition, dental facets are not for everyone and it is important that each patient remain aware of the risks and limitations of the treatment. With any dental procedure, the dental facets may present some complications, such as permanent dental sensitivity, the need for an aesthetic revision after some time, wear or laziness of the facet, or the appearance of post-traction bruxism. However, in most cases, the benefits of dental facets greatly outweigh the risks and complications, which are usually rare, especially if it is done in a well-equipped dental clinic with trained professionals.

In summary
Dental facets are a popular aesthetic option that improve the appearance of the teeth and the shadow of a person. There are different types of materials to manufacture dental veneers, and the choice will depend on the needs and pressure of each patient.
Apart from the subject's treatment, it is recommended to have a diagnosis and detailed planning in a trusted dental clinic. However, it is important that each patient receive clear and precise information about the implantation procedure of dental facets, benefits and risks, as well as the need to have good oral hygiene, after the treatment.
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